The Importance of Structure in Combat!

 Restricted Movement!










This past weekend (18th-20th September) I was fortunate enough to have attended the annual AMOK! Multi-Dimensional Warrior Camp, and over the course the three day camp it became increasingly clear to me the VITAL role that physical (body) structure ‘plays’ in any combative situation, especially when you are up against a bigger, stronger and at times more experienced training partner. We concentrated primarily on edged weapons for Personal Protection over the course of the three days that we trained together, but the concept (with perhaps a little modification) could just as readily be applied to any weapon at hand.

On day two of the camp we worked in constant opposition against various opponents (training partners) with the intention being not only to survive but to actually WIN a confrontation whilst fighting with our backs up against a wall/solid barrier (our rearward movement restricted!). What I noticed was that if I was unable to use my check hand to good effect and/or move effectively (either laterally/diagonally forward) it was highly likely that my physical structure would ‘fold’ and I would quickly become a very easy target! Another great option that was expanded upon by Mark Human was the ability to use fakes to both buy you time and allow you to attack different high priority targets.

Structure was also clearly evident when we worked our Pepper Spray (demo units) and training knife in tandem against single/multiple opponents (training partners). Invariably when sprayed in the face (as pointed out by Clint Oosthuizen), the lead shoulder of the person being sprayed tends to drop and his phycical structure becomes that much weaker and therefore easier to capitalize on.

Correct body alignment and structure also became very clear when both Ian and Kellee worked through various scenario’s with us on the final day of the camp.

Great information was presented by VERY knowledgeable and experienced AMOK! instructors – Another awesome learning opportunity!

Make structure a conscious part of your daily combative experience!

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